Hobo Stove & Mess Kit

Camping is more fun when you cook your own food instead of eating MREs. For that you need a stove. What kind of stove you chose can be predicated by your budget and how convenient you want your cooking to be. It is nice to have portable gas stove but it will set you back around $30. Since I want my camping gear as low cost as can be, I will just make my own hobo wood stove. Actually, I already made one before. See the details in my other blog.

I used the biggest can of Del Monte Fruit Cocktail.

Removed the label ...

... and punched 6 holes at the bottom of the can using a church key.

Then using a nail, I punched 4 holes on the upper portion of the can - 2 holes on opposite sides about 3 - 4 inches apart.

For the pot support, I cut 2 pieces of wire from a coat hanger.

And you got a hobo stove.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading.

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